
Hi! My name is David. I’m passionate about Solo trips and I have 10 years of experience traveling alone. I decided to found Solo Travel Experience to share my insights, stories and tips to the community. I do believe that traveling solo is a remarkable experience that makes you mature in an unexpected way. That’s why encourage people to try it at least once in a lifetime!

I work as a Software Engineer and that makes me move to my clients’ headquarters abroad. Additionally, in my spare time, I organise trips for me or my friends. I have visited almost all Europe and my next step is going beyond the old continent.

Here in the picture I appear in Holland, one of the places I visited solo, having a great time. This was the begining of a series of Solo trips which remains in my memories.

Travelling solo teachs you a lot. I hope you try this way of living at least once! I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t regret it!